Our mission

Empowering blind and low vision individuals to navigate airports independently, confidently, and efficiently, enhancing their travel experience and overall accessibility.

Seekr Team presenting at Georgia Tech Capstone Expo

Our values

We envision a world where blind and low vision individuals can travel with ease and freedom, breaking barriers and enabling seamless navigation in airport environments worldwide. This is accomplished by our revolutionary solution, which ensures a personalized, reliable, and inclusive travel experience. Our differentiation lies in our commitment to restoring independence and accessibility, setting a new standard for inclusive airport navigation services.

  • Empowerment

    Empowering blind and low vision individuals to navigate the world with confidence and independence.

  • Accessibility

    Ensuring that all individuals, regardless of visual ability, have equal access to travel experiences.

  • Innovation

    Constantly innovating to deliver cutting-edge solutions that enhance the travel experience for blind and low vision individuals.

  • Inclusivity

    Fostering an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is accommodated with respect and dignity.

Awards and Recognitions

Georgia Tech Capstone Expo - Best Overall Project

The Capstone Design Expo at Georgia Institute of Technology is a chance for graduating seniors to showcase their innovations to industry professionals, alumni, and faculty judges. In Spring 2024 Seekr Navigation presented our revolutionary solution to a global audience and was selected as the best overall project out of 200+ teams from all disciplines.

To learn more about the Capstone Design Expo and Seekr Navigation's award winning product, check out the article below:
Surgical Tool, Airport Navigation Aid Top Spring 2024 Capstone Expo

Create-X Capstone - Best Overall Project

Seekr Navigation started as a CREATE-X senior capstone project at Georgia Institute of Technology in the Spring 2024 cohort. In the CREATE-X capstone course, interdisciplinary teams of undergraduate students are provided with mentorship and financial support to work on their startup product ideas and validate market demand. At the final presentation, Seekr Navigation was selected as the Best Overall CREATE-X Capstone Project out of 20+ teams and earned admission to the CREATE-X Startup Launch Program.

Learn more about the Georgia Tech CREATE-X Program below:
Georgia Tech CREATE-X